We REALLY need continuing donations to directly support asylum seekers and refugees with basic necessities like medical care, food, shelter and transportation. Your contribution helps those affected by devastating humanitarian crises.


The Welcoming Network is a 100% volunteer based organization! Volunteers assist asylum-seekers secure safe rental housing, enroll their children in school, get medical and dental care, work through the immigration courts, and more. 

While each family has unique needs, here are examples of how the Welcoming Network puts your generous donations to work.

View our video channel 

Refugee Camp in Northern Mexico

The children in this photo and their parents were forced to camp for months in dangerous conditions in Mexico while they awaited their turn to apply for asylum. Now they have rental housing in Santa Cruz and are navigating their asylum claims through our court system. 

Credit Card or Paypal

Make a contribution directly to the Welcoming Network by clicking the donate button. You can choose to make a one-time donation or a monthly donation. Quick, easy and secure!


Donate by CHECK 

If you would like to send in your donation by check, you ma mayke it payable to:

Welcoming Network

311 Darwin Street, Santa Cruz CA 95062

Tax Deductible Contributions 
via the Santa Cruz Hub for Sustainable Living

If you would like to claim a tax deduction (grants, IRA distributions) , you may make a donation through our non-profit fiscal sponsor, the Santa Cruz Hub for Sustainable Living.  At that site, select "Santa Cruz Welcoming Network" in the drop-down menu of Projects.  Or, if you prefer to make your tax deductible donation by check, make your check out to "The Hub" and write "Welcoming Network" in the memo field.  The Hub's IRS Tax ID (EIN) is 31-1748056; California Charity Registration number: CT0249716

Please mail your check to:

Welcoming Network, 
c/o Santa Cruz Hub for Sustainable Living
703 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz CA 95060

IRA RMD Contributions 

 Have an IRA?  Consider making part or all of your required minimum distribution into a donation. Note that RMD's donated directly to a charity are not counted as taxable income. The donation needs to be written to us through our 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor: “The Hub for Sustainable Living (see above)